Lee Auto Disk Chart

Lee safety powder scale.
Lee auto disk chart. Used with the powder thru expanding die or charging die. Lee double disk kit sold separately will effectively double the charges able to be thrown to charge calibers up to 308 win. I set up my lee auto disk powder measure this morning.
Will work with all types of smokeless powder. Auto disk powder measure parts 8 auto drum powder measure parts 9 classic powder measure parts 3 deluxe perfect powder measure parts 3 perfect powder measure parts 5 pro auto disk parts 17 powder measure accessories. Disk a 30 to 43 cc disk b 46 to 66 cc disk c 71 to 1 02 cc disk d 1 09 to 1 57 cc.
Lee pro auto disk is designed for use with any of our reloading presses. Includes swivel adapter and spring return lever with spring. I find that it works better meaning consistent with powders like red dot and unique than my lyman 55 or rcbs measure when the pro auto disk is on the lct the rotation of the measure settles the powder.
Lee auto disk riser sold separately installs between the lee powder through expanding die and auto disk powder measure. App automatic processing press 90951 90933. Always weigh your charges to verify formula and consistency.
Lee auto disk powder measure. The excel file version of it will find the different combinations of disks that will get you the closest values as well. The riser raises the auto disk powder measure higher above the mounting location on the turret press to provide clearance for use of the lee precision.
I am not responsible for your reloading. If you want to use the auto disk powder measure to charge powder on a lee precision classic turret press you will also need to order a lee precision auto disk riser which is sold separately. Allows a convenient use of other brands of dies.
It really throws consistant loads but the chart they use seems to be way. Includes 4 disks to adjust your charges with.