Catholic Bible Vs Protestant Bible Chart

Although the new testament contains the same twenty seven books for almost all christians there are some major and important differences between the hebrew bible hb used by jews and different versions of the old testament ot used by various christian churches and denominations.
Catholic bible vs protestant bible chart. After jesus resurrection from the dead there were many writings about him. Protestant bibles included the apocrypha until the mid 1800s and the king james version was originally published with the apocrypha. One of the differences between the two versions is that a catholic bible is approved by the catholic church meaning that they have been carefully reviewed to ensure that they do not bring an inaccurate or misleading transmission of the sacred text to the catholic reader while a protestant version has not been through the same procedure by the catholic church.
Protestants believe that the catholic church stemmed from the original christian church but became corrupt. However the apocrypha was considered less important and bible publishers eventually dropped it from most protestant editions. God is the omnipotent loving creator of the universe.
Protestants follow the teachings of jesus christ as transmitted through the old new testament. By comparison the books of the catholic bible include all 66 in the previous list plus seven extra books. Augustine accepted a later greek translation as god s word.
They used a different standard of. They were bitterly opposed tortured and. Catholic persecution of protestants the catholic church has a long history of persecution against non catholics.
Men can not add or take away from scripture. The protestant bible of which the niv is one version is seven books shorter than the bible used by roman catholics. The protestant bible consists of 66 books which are considered to be divinely inspired.
There are seven 7 books in the catholic bible that are not in the protestant s bible. A comparative chart of the hebrew and christian bibles. 39 books are contained within the old testament and 27 books in the new testament.
Jerome saw the hebrew translation of the old testament as the inspired word of god while st. When noble people left catholicism in protest looking to jesus alone for salvation and to the bible for truth while rejecting the false claims of the popes rome called them heretics. The differences between the catholic and protestant bibles took shape in the 4th century ad with a disagreement between two early saints.
In this short essay we will briefly cover the differences between the catholic and protestant bibles and the reasons behind those differences. These books are tobit judith wisdom sirach baruch i and ii maccabees and esther. The books of the apocrypha are also known as the deuterocanonical books.